While being a mom is a rich blessing, it’s also a very difficult job- and not one that God ever meant for women to do alone. Eemas, which is the Hebrew word for “mama”, is a group for moms of littles here at Santa Clara Church. This is a time for mamas to come as they are, take a deep breath, and connect with Jesus and one another. Each week there’s a portion of scripture to meditate on and discuss– it’s usually posted in podcast form since sitting down to read isn’t always easy for busy moms. Eemas meets every Friday morning at 10:00am in the SCC nursery, and being a member of Santa Clara Church is not a requirement; all mamas and littles are welcome. The coffee cart is also open, because caffeinated moms are happy moms. If you are interested in joining or have questions please contact Chloe Weinkauf at Chloew@santaclarachurch.com