Mattatall Life Group

The Mattatall Life Group meets at 5pm every Sunday. This group is hosted at the Mattatall’s House. If you would like to join or have questions please contact Gordon Mattatall at 541-913-3400

Rayl Life Group

The Rayl Life Group meets every Sunday at 6pm at the Rayl Household. Currently they are diving deeper and unpacking Sunday morning messages. If you would like to join or find out more please contact Wes Wright at 541-729-5870


The Keenagers are a group of 55 and up believers, who study and grow together through fellowship and faith. Every Tuesday morning we meet at 10am in the fireside room, with a break in the Summer. This time is filled with fellowship, hymns, teaching, and prayer. Rich Crane is our main teacher with occasional guest teachers. Anyone is welcome to come join, if interested please contact Adell Hodney at 541-510-5913

American Heritage Girls

Troop OR0001 meets at Santa Clara Church on Tuesday evenings, 6-7:30pm, during the school year with outdoor events during the summer months. Faith, Service and Fun is the AHG Tagline. The girls (5-18) learn skills, participate in community service, and go on fun outings, all the while learning about the love of God and practicing loving others. OR0001 has been part of the Santa Clara Ministries since 2015 and currently has 35 girl members. If there is interest in either having a girl join AND/OR reaching out in ministry with the Troop, please contact Cheryl Porter (Troop Coordinator) 541-744-5544 or Terria Burch (Troop Registrar) 541-914-7845 for more information. This Christ-based girl discipleship troop is part of a growing ministry that is now world-wide. For more information visit

Boy Scouts

Scouts BSA Troop 60 (boys 11-17) and Pack 60 (boys grades K-5) meet weekly from 6:00-7:30 pm on Tuesdays during the school year, and about every other week during the summer months. We invite youth to join us for adventure, achievement and fun as you learn to serve others and live life with respect, faith and reverence. Adults that register as leaders are able to mentor and share your knowledge and skills with the next generation. For more information contact Troop 60 Scoutmaster Norm Hoffman (541-232-1940), Pack 60 Cubmaster Julia Rice (541-246-4711) or Troop & Pack Treasurer/Registrar Jamie Porter (541-337-4496).

Guys Group

Guys Group is a fellowship group that engages in Biblical Study and mutual support. This group meets in a public setting at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore Cafe. As a group this fellowship of people is most focused on helping one another navigate the big questions of life, faith, relationships, and personal struggles. Guys Group meets every Thursday if interested in joining us contact Chad DeKay Associate Minister at

Eemas groups

While being a mom is a rich blessing, it’s also a very difficult job- and not one that God ever meant for women to do alone. Eemas, which is the Hebrew word for “mama”, is a group for moms of littles here at Santa Clara Church. This is a time for mamas to come as they are, take a deep breath, and connect with Jesus and one another. Each week there’s a portion of scripture to meditate on and discuss– it’s usually posted in podcast form since sitting down to read isn’t always easy for busy moms. Eemas meets every Friday morning at 10:00am in the SCC nursery, and being a member of Santa Clara Church is not a requirement; all mamas and littles are welcome. The coffee cart is also open, because caffeinated moms are happy moms. If you are interested in joining or have questions please contact Chloe Weinkauf at